What Is Data Literacy?

Data literacy (DL) describes how well an individual or organization understands, works with, analyzes, visualizes, and applies data to reach their goals. The specific context and use case determine what applying data literacy looks like in practice. For example, while reading visualizations on product deliveries provides value, true data literacy involves going further. It involves actively…

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Understanding Augmented Analytics and Its Evolution

Perhaps your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution. Maybe you just want to understand the analytics solution market better. This blog post will help you gather information about the topic of augmented analytics.   Technology…

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The Rise of Augmented Analytics: Combining AI with BI for Enhanced Data Insights

Businesses today are drowning in data. The sheer volume and complexity of information available have made it increasingly difficult for organizations to extract meaningful insights using traditional business intelligence (BI) tools and the expertise of specialized data scientists. This is where augmented analytics comes in. This game-changing technology combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Do Citizen Data Scientists Add Value or Is the Concept Mere Buzz?

 If you read trade or industry journals or business publications, you have probably noticed that the subject of the citizen data scientist is fraught with controversy. While Gartner and other technology research firms have predicted the growth of this movement and its success, there are those who believe that the concept of citizen data scientists is just a lot of buzz and…

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The Role of Citizen Data Scientists vs. Data Scientists in Augmented Analytics

If you are an IT professional, a business manager, or an executive, you have probably been following the progress of the citizen data scientist movement. For a number of years, Gartner and other technology research and analysis firms have predicted and monitored the growth of this phenomenon.  In fact, in 2017, Gartner predicted that 40% of data science…

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Business Intelligence and Analytics Trends in 2024

As organizations continue to generate massive amounts of data from various sources, the need for effective data analytics and business intelligence (BI) solutions has never been more pressing.  Here are some general trends for data analytics and BI:  Use of Advanced Algorithms in Data Analysis  Advancements in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are…

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How to Become a Citizen Data Scientist

The job responsibilities of a citizen data scientist include dealing with new data, using automated tools to process big data, and creating additional models to gain additional insights. Their primary job is not to make predictions directly from big data, or develop prescriptive analytics, but to build models and use tools that accomplish those goals….

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Yes, Being a Citizen Data Scientist Can Help You Succeed

If your enterprise has nominated you for the role of a citizen data scientist, you must have the right tools and augmented analytics features to help you fulfill your role.  Gartner has predicted that “90% of corporate strategies will explicitly mention information as a critical enterprise asset and analytics as an essential competency.” This statement, coupled with…

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Smart Data Visualization Tells a Story Your Users Will Love

The Wharton School of Management reports that only half of an audience is convinced by a purely verbal presentation, but that number jumps to over two-thirds when visuals are added. Why is that? The answer is simple. Our brains grasp and respond to images, colors, and patterns and more quickly assimilate information. Presenting data with colors…

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