Kotlin previews guard conditions in when expressions

JetBrains has released Kotlin 2.1.0, an update to the Kotlin programming language that previews guard conditions and has compiler updates offering flexibility around checks. Released November 27, Kotlin 2.1.0 can be installed as an update by following the instructions at kotlinlang.org. Kotlin 2.1.0 introduces several language improvements in preview. One preview feature allows developers to…

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JetBrains updates Kotlin roadmap

JetBrains has updated its Kotlin language roadmap, with key priorities that include more efficient data handling, increased abstraction, and enhanced performance. The company also promised faster code completion, highlighting, and search, along with more stable code analysis, in the K2-based IntelliJ IDEA plugin. The Kotlin roadmap was updated in late-September, and the next update is…

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Ktor 3.0 switches to kotlinx.io library

Ktor 3.0, the latest version of the Kotlin-based framework for building asynchronous client- and server-side applications, is now available. Ktor 3.0 switches to the kotlinx.io library for handling data sources. The release also highlights support for server-sent events (SSE). The JetBrains Ktor 3.0 technology, announced October 10, can be accessed from start.ktor.io. The biggest change…

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Kotlin update shines on garbage collector

JetBrains has released an update to the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin 2.0.20 features concurrent marking for the garbage collector and other performance improvements, along with bug fixes for Kotlin 2.0.0. Unveiled August 22, Kotlin 2.0.20 follows the May 23 release of Kotlin 2.0.0. Installation instructions for Kotlin 2.0.20 can be found at jetbrains.com.   With…

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